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5 Tips to Tackling Tough Sales Barriers

Written by Ruth McKay | 27/05/2021

The purpose of this exercise is to think through the most common objections and questions you come up against when selling to a prospective customer. What makes this more challenging now is that back in the day you would likely be doing this face to face with a customer but now you have to address these questions in your marketing before you even get to talk to them. You need to get into the mindset of your customers and work out from their perspective what barriers to buying they might have. 

Here are 100 sales questions to inspire you from HubSpot.

5 ways to use your sales questions

Now you’ve got your sales questions figured out you can now utilise them in your marketing. When you’ve planned and thought these through then you can address them in your marketing. Get that right and your marketing does 90% of the job of selling to your potential customers so you don’t have to. 

It’s often as simple as a) demonstrating that you know what the objection is will resonate with them, shows them you have a good understanding of them and b) they appreciate they have the information and you’ve dealt with it directly. You’ve not made it difficult for them to get it.

Here are 5 ways to utilise your sales questions:

  • Work out at one stage of the buying process these questions are raised? Is it immediately, they want the info before they talk to you? At the point where they are making a final decision. 
  • Work out what content you already have that addresses some of these points. 
  • Work out what content you don’t have and make a list in order of priority what you need to create.
  • Work out the best format to deliver the content and when you share it with them. On your website or is it something you send to them when you’ve engaged in conversation with them? Is it a piece of marketing or a sales tool?
  • Make sure your sales process addresses these key points and you have the content to back it up. 

This brings you a step closer to aligning your marketing and sales. It also means that your  content directly feeds into your sales strategy and gives you the content you need to progress and close a sale.