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Have you accomplished your goals in the last 12 months?

Written by Ruth McKay | 16/04/2021

Some lessons we’ve learnt which will help you.

Have you achieved your goals? Are you on track to achieve them? Do you have even bigger aspirations for the future?

As you consider the future of your business and what that story looks like here are a few questions to consider…

  • What are you currently doing that really works?
  • What will you do differently?
  • What challenges have you experienced and how will you overcome them going forwards?

Just like you we’ve been asking ourselves these questions too. Here are a few things we’ve learnt that will help your business…

#1 Stop selling at people. Instead, create an experience that engages and delights them.

No-one wants to be sold to any more. As a result, how we buy has changed. So don’t be surprised that your marketing results have changed too.

Instead of selling, you need to share valuable, worthwhile information that educates and engages your audience. Help them to make the right buying decisions in an informed manner thereby creating a positive experience.

#2 Digital Advertising is key to increasing your sales.

With an expected £44 million pounds being cut from TV advertising, digital advertising is where the smart companies are spending their money. Why? We don’t watch adverts any more. Instead, we turn to Google and social media advertising for our services and solutions.

And it works for B2B services too.

#3 Information is power.

We are all so time poor now that finding out what we need to know has to be fast and simple.  Having the right information, delivered at the right time in the right format is the key to success and the key to your customers hearts. Being an expert in your industry and sharing your expertise in a meaningful way sets you apart from the competition and helps your customers buy from you.

That’s where we can help. As inbound and digital marketing experts we can help you grow your results and business.

“UNIQ have more than doubled our inbound web enquiries. This has enabled us to grow our business and realise new opportunities. We are delighted with the service and the results”

-Keith Gunn Electrical Solutions

How to make the next 12 months your best marketing year ever

Here’s your plan:

#1: Work out plans and goals for your business — be very focused and extremely specific.

#2: Work out your first steps to actioning those plans — every plan has to start somewhere. Make sure you know the first steps.

#3: Look at the things you have always done and work out what you need to do differently.

#4: Figure out what challenges have you experienced and how will you overcome them.

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