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My secret social media formula

Written by Ruth McKay | 13/07/2022

I regularly get asked how often you should post online. Is every day too much? Is once a week enough? The answer really is post as often as you like as long as the post offers value, entertainment or information that is of value to your audience. 

Having said that, we use a formula when we do social media posting for our clients. We do a minimum of 3 posts a week. Two posts are informative or entertaining and the third one promotes their service or product. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of sharing lots of great content and giving loads of advice but never selling or promoting what you have to offer. When you promote what you have to offer, remember to be clear about the problem you are solving for your customer and the solution you are offering.

Social media should be about getting your business noticed, but it's all too easy to let it drop to the bottom of your to do list.

For example, if your business’s online presence is lacking, you’re frustrated that you never get around to posting or simply can’t stand social media. We take care of it for you. We’ll increase your online presence as well as grow your network and audience.

You can rest assured that we will interact with the contacts who get in touch wth you and pass on any useful leads.

In short, we will sort out your social media.  If you would like to find out more about how we can help get your 14 day free social media trial and see just how easy it is.