Although it can be tempting to spend less on marketing in challenging times, you can attract more customers by committing to a marketing plan. However at a time when costs are rising, you need to make sure you’re getting the most out of your budget.
One of the key trends and critical success factors in 2023 will be how visible you are online. How good your online presence is and the digital marketing strategy you have in place will be vital to your growth and sales success next year.
Did you know….
Never before has it been so important for businesses to connect and engage with current and potential customers, especially online. Having a digital presence for your business is vital to its success. A survey conducted by Salesforce found that customers rely on the research they conduct online before making a purchase or scheduling an appointment with a company for service.
That raises many questions including how visible are you online? How up to date is your website? How often do you post on social media? How much content and information do you make available to your customers that help them to buy from you? Does website, social media and other channels add to your credibility?
Your digital strategy needs to bring together those many channels and opportunities to create the impact, sales and growth you want to achieve.